Home Interior Designer in Miami & South Miami, FL
every project is a unique opportunity to curate fearlessly; to collaborate with our clients to create unique, lasting spaces that linger on the design consciousness. a constant process of editing is at the core of our studio's expertise. our current portfolio of work spans the country with major projects for interior design in Miami, south beach, Coconut Grove, los angeles, Salt Lake City, and Phoenix. we are also excited to work with clients from abroad, as well! As a home interior designer in Miami and South Beach, Florida, we're excited to bring your unique style to life.

We've Moved!
We have moved our office, and are now located in South Miami! Check out our new address here:
5879 Sunset Dr. Suite #3, South Miami, FL 33143

Fearlessly Curated Interior Design in Miami, FL
Celebrated Miami, FL Interior Designer
mr alex TATE design is an award-winning studio whose bold and timeless interior design point of view and approach has caught the attention of some of the industry's most coveted publications - nationally and globally.
We are a home interior designer in Miami, and we have fearlessly curated interior designs in Miami, South Beach, Los Angeles, Coconut Grove, and more. Learn more about how we can become your home interior designer in Miami, South Beach, or any of the other curated city locations we service!

A Note From Alex: Interior Designer in Miami FL
Why Choose Mr Alex Tate for your Home Interior Design Needs in Miami?
Design is a journey, it’s a process of discovery fueled by curiosity. My name is Alex Alonso, and I’m the founder and creative principal of mr. Alex Tate Interior Design. When I started the studio, I started with a singular vision: to curate fearlessly. And over the years of building the studio, we’ve really realized that is more of a mission statement for us than it really was just a straight action. How you design a space is just as important as what you put in it. I wanted that process of sourcing, that process of selection to be very mindful and very purposeful. But I knew that to be effective, we had to completely reimagine the relationship between the studio and the client because we knew that at the heart of every great design lies a strong sense of collaboration.
As a studio, we’ll always have a point of view of space the minute we walk into it, but we know that for that space to be successful, it really has to have been grounded in an excellent level of collaboration with our clients. Being fortunate enough to work across both coasts, in Los Angeles and Miami, FL really keeps us on our toes. We’re constantly balancing points of view and design. And somewhere in the middle is where we find our center, a center that’s driven by fearless curation.
Learn more about how we can become your home interior designer in Miami, South Beach, or any other location in Florida. We have also created stunning residential interior design work in locations including Antigua!
Get the Buzz on Interior Design!
We've made appearances in several interior design magazines! Check us out and learn about how we can transform your aesthetic into a fearlessly curated masterpiece.

we look forward to chatting with you about your project.
drop us a note and we'll contact you shortly.